Fertility Awareness

The Creighton Model FertilityCare program (CrMS) is a method of fertility appreciation with medical applications to NaProTechnology. This method can be used by a couple to avoid or achieve pregnancy. It is natural, no pills, prophylactics, equipment or side effects. CrMS has been in existence for over 30 years and has medical research to back it up.

Our Center is an Affiliation of the FertilityCare Centers of America. Through our program, you will be taught individually Andrea Lieb, FCP.

For those wishing to use CrMS to avoid pregnancy, it is 96% effective. Couples like the personalized teaching and continued support throughout their fertile years.

Couples looking to achieve pregnancy that have been unsuccessful for over a year, with just charting CrMS, anywhere from 20-40% will become pregnant. However, with adding NaProTechnology, that success rate jumps to 80%. This program is a successful alternative to artificial reproductive technologies (ART) and IVF. We collaboratively work with Holy Spirit OB/GYN, a NaPro practice in Camp Hill, PA.

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